Our Story

The Wawiwa Tech Training Cleveland Center is a leading provider in tech education and career transformation, focusing on today’s most in-demand skills. We specialize in taking professionals with no experience in tech, but with the right mindset and disposition, and reskilling them for success in the tech industry.

Here at the Wawiwa Tech Training Cleveland Center, we care about graduates’ job readiness and employability. Therefore, 70% of the training program is dedicated to actual hands-on practice of the materials and skills taught – performed both independently and in small groups. Projects are reviewed by trainers and industry mentors and feedback is provided – on both knowledge and skills – so you can learn, improve, and grow.

Trust Us, It Works

We’ve trained over 50,000 tech professionals over the past two decades in various countries

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graduate placement rate
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A Wawiwa Training Center

The Wawiwa Tech Training Cleveland Center is a licensed Wawiwa Tech Training center, implementing the best practices and know-how that was accumulated in Israel, the Startup Nation, for reskilling people to become productive professionals in the global tech sector.

Wawiwa was established by an elite group of professionals, who share an abundance of tech-related reskilling and training experience and expertise. The training methods at our center are based on Wawiwa’s proprietary JET Design™ methodology, an effective way for training individuals with no prior tech knowledge to tech jobs. 

Wawiwa’s vision is to bridge the tech skills gap by reskilling people for tech professions in high demand.

Our Advisory Committee

Our center’s Advisory Committee includes diverse leaders from Cleveland’s technology sector, spanning academic institutions, enterprises and startups. The committee advises our center on the industry needs for specific tech talent and skills and takes an active role in curriculum development and graduate placement.

Our Team, Trainers & Mentors

All of the trainers in our center are tech professionals with hands-on experience in the job roles they’re training our students for. Our trainers were hand-picked for their teaching talent and mentorship skills, and were trained themselves in the Wawiwa Tech Training JET Design™ methodology for Job-Effective Training.

Jerry Bernstein

Data Scientist


Sophie Mahon

Full-Stack Developer


Christopher Sanchez

UX/UI Designer
