Your Career In Tech Starts Now

Gain Real-World Experience through the Israeli Training Model of the Startup Nation

Practical, hands-on training and reskilling for tech positions, for fresh graduates and career changers

Strong Industry Collaboration and Focus on Job Placement

Trainers from the industry, mentoring, recruitment events, and relations with top employers and recruiters

Which Tech Job Do You Fancy?

Choose from our Job-Ready Programs for tech jobs in high demand!
You don't want to miss these programs:

Cybersecurity Analyst

Cybersecurity is one of the hottest topics in technology nowadays. A program for beginners and career changers.

Full-Stack Developer

An intensive training program for tech-savvy individuals who wish to launch a new and exciting career as programmers, with both frontend and backend skills.

UX/UI Designer

A unique program for designers who wish to expand their skills into digital products and services that solve users’ problems. 


Data Scientist

A program for beginners with math skills and a background in programming, to become professional data scientists.

* Reskilling and upskilling tech training programs for businesses also available – read more

The Learning Experience

Meet Our Graduates

Chrishani Gunarathne
Chrishani Gunarathne
Accounts Executive
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I'm glad I enrolled in the Data Analyst Program because it allowed me to better focus on the already available data and to make better decisions. The program is well structured and easy to grasp. Content delivery was so smooth. They basically teach you everything step by step, making the learning experience fun and enjoyable. No matter the issue, they all go above and beyond to help us attain the best experiences in our data journey.
Dayal Weerasooriya
Dayal Weerasooriya
Finance Manager
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The program keeps its promises. The trainers plan well and know the student's requirements. I hope there would be more and more programs that are helpful also for our younger generations.
Pasindu Senanayake
Pasindu Senanayake
Flight Operations Executive
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I am thankful for organizing and facilitating such a useful program.
Eranga Amarasinghe
Eranga Amarasinghe
Branch Manager
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This program is the best place for anyone who wants to enhance their knowledge in Data Analytics!
Daniel Pădurean
Daniel Pădurean
Frontend Developer
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Taking this program during the pandemic helped me make the change into a well-paying job, without having any prior knowledge in the field. The instructors, especially Ana, did a very good job and were very patient. After only seven months , I managed to get hired in a Frontend role. This program is a great place to learn and I highly recommend it!
Florin Capota
Florin Capota
Full-Stack Developer at Nokia
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My name is Florin, and I am a Full-Stack Developer at Nokia. From the start, the program curriculum is very well structured and focuses on hands-on practice and the exact skills needed to get a job. With the help of the three trainers, who showed nothing but professionalism, I managed to get hired by an international technology company. If you are passionate about your career and you want to make change, this is the way to do it.
Adnana Muresan
Adnana Muresan
Full-Stack Developer
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I graduated from the Full Stack Developer program. I strongly recommend this program to everyone, especially to the people who want to change their field. During the program, I had a great experience, with constant support from the kind and highly involved trainers. Shortly after finishing the program, I easily found a job.
Itamar Revivo
Itamar Revivo
Freelance Graphic Design & VFX
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The program does a great job of combining teaching of necessary skills and offering a personal approach to your learning. There was a strong emphasis on producing quality work and honing the skills that would make us stand out in a competitive job market. I know that what I've learned will help me develop my career moving forward.
Nir Sharf
Nir Sharf
Lead UX/UI Designer, Startup
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I had lots of experience as a designer when I joined this program. I felt like I was missing a key set of professional skills to succeed, so I signed up for the UX/UI Design program. The program was intense, getting to the point on all of the skills and technical knowledge that you need in order to be a good UX/UI Designer. It checked all of the boxes on the technical skills that I felt I was missing and helped me understand the importance of conducting thorough research, defining an audience, presenting the product, and what a successful user journey looks like. Today, I work as a Lead Designer at a startup and help develop a product from the ground-up. I apply the skills and knowledge that I've gained in the program on a daily basis and feel confident in my designs. There is no doubt that this program was exactly what I needed to move forward in my career.
Rahya Lentz
Rahya Lentz
UX UI Designer
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When I started the program I didn't know what to expect. The field of UX/UI simply interested me. Soon after starting the program, I was amazed by how passionate I was about making UX/UI my career. The materials were fascinating for me and I always felt like I was getting new perspectivies and a broad skillset. The program also introduced real-world applications for our work, including the stages of creating a digital product, which really helped me understand how to apply the knowledge I've gained. I've learned how to prepare a design portfolio and was able to showcase my projects by the end of the program to potential employers, demonstrating practical experience. The projects really boosted my confidence and orientation towards my professional goals.

Our Advisory Committee

We've collaborated with the industry's leading companies to make our programs as relevant as possible to the local industry's needs, so you can easily find a job at the local tech sector as soon as you graduate!

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